The Pursuit of MANHOOD

"Be happy, young man, while you are young,and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you to judgment."--Ecclesiastes 11:9 - This blog is dedicated to Adam's fervent journey into becoming a man. Or just a blog about his life and thoughts in general.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Wishlist, 3 New Things, 5 Things I don't know


Well, I was very sad to not be included in my Church's secret santa this year. But I saw their wishlists online, and thought I could at least create my own list. So, here is list #1, this will give you guys lots of time to order and wrap it so I can receive it next year.


Three things I have started getting into recently:
- Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches - good times
- Professional Wrestling - well, I liked wrestling before, but it is more of a rediscovery. Good times.
- Most embarassing... I have started reading the Harry Potter books. That is all I will say about that.


Five things I'm not sure about but would like to know more about:

1. Definite/Limited Atonement - This is the "L" in the infamous Calvinist "TULIP". Its also probably the most misunderstood of the five. I'm not sure where I stand.

2. The role of psychology in Church counselling - Well, I have had my beef with psychology, especially after it nearly bored me to death in my first year of university. Can we be reconciled and maybe even have a profitable relationship? I don't think I would be the kind to say that we can't learn anything from psychology, or that its all a fraud, but hasn't the Church had all it needs to battle against sin and hurt before psychology? Can psychology add something that the Bible and the Holy Spirit can't supply? I'm still not sure.

3. The role of the believer in the battle against poverty

4. The process of becoming born again - is it in stages? Can someone almost have saving faith? How can someone be almost regenerate? Can someone be further down the "process" of being a "seeker"?

5. Do I really know what it means to be filled with the Spirit?

If I knew what to think about these five issues, I'd be helped a lot. However, so much research and meditation and Holy Living from past and present saints is available to us. I have strong confidence that though I don't know right now, I can find answers.


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