The Pursuit of MANHOOD

"Be happy, young man, while you are young,and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you to judgment."--Ecclesiastes 11:9 - This blog is dedicated to Adam's fervent journey into becoming a man. Or just a blog about his life and thoughts in general.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

She-males, Bored at Church?, Controversial Words about Women


Went to Bangkok, and saw lots of she-males. I was very unhappy about this.

But of course, being the idiot that I am, my only reaction was “ughh-ahhh-uhhhh….. wwwwhyyyyyyy????”. I was more upset that I had to witness such grossness, that I hardly thought of the painfulness of their lives (though, it was real gross. Ughhhh-ahhh-uhhhhhhh!!!!!).

But I didn’t really care. Did they have parents who loved them and sought their best interest? Did they have role-models that gave good examples of what it means to be men and women (though it’s sad that most of North America lacks this)? Did they realize they don’t need to do this to have a sense of identity and meaning? Did they ever hear the Gospel? Is there anyone to come and bring them hope? Or do most people just walk by them (like me) and think “that’s real gross, get me outta here”?

If only I had a softer heart.


“A faithful congregation will draw faithful preaching out of their pastor. Conversely, it is very hard to persevere as a faithful teacher of the Word of God to a congregation that does not want to have it taught to them. To some extent, congregations get the preachers they deserve, because preaching is a two-way process. The attitudes of the preacher and the congregation must unite in a humble hunger for God’s Word.” – Mark Ashton



This is at least very thought-provoking:

Wanna taste? Read this:

“It is not fashionable these days to suggest that women don't belong in or near combat -- or that children need their mothers… Why the West has seen it necessary to diminish motherhood so that women can pretend to be men remains a mystery to sane adults. It should be unnecessary to say that the military is not a proper vehicle for social experimentation but is a machine dedicated to fighting and, if necessary, killing.” – Kathleen Parker, Washington Post

I’m not commenting right now, but I would like people’s opinions. Is this controversial? Or is this what most of my friends think? I do not know.

(I apologize that I comment on such old news. I actually planned on posting this months ago, haha)


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