The Pursuit of MANHOOD

"Be happy, young man, while you are young,and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you to judgment."--Ecclesiastes 11:9 - This blog is dedicated to Adam's fervent journey into becoming a man. Or just a blog about his life and thoughts in general.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


a. update 1

In July, I returned to Ottawa. It has been a spiritual battle since. For all that C4C helped us, it never did prepare us to cross over from the land the prayer meetings, randoms, and theology discussions and join the world of job applications and osap payments. How could we have been prepared? Us student leaders had never seen what lay on the other side, and, with all due respect, so very few staff members knew either.*

Although things have changed, I have been blessed by my Church here in Ottawa. We have many areas to grow in: areas I think God has prepared me to give modest contributions in thanks to my time in C4C**, but Jesus is making good on His promise. He will build it, He will shepherd it, and He will present His bride flawless in the day of His return. And being part of His Bride has kept me in the hands of the Shepherd these past months.

b. stuff Christians like

So, if you don't know, there's this blog called Stuff White People like, written by... white people. They came to Algonquin College for a speaking event this week (an excellent addition to the usual schedule of Dustin Diamond and Tony the XXX hypnotist). The blog makes/points out stereotypes about white people. Well, this has inspired a billion other "stuff ____ like", including Stuff Christians like and Stuff Young Calvinists like.

The first entry in Stuff Christians like is (to paraphrase) adapting non-Christian ideas for Christians. Of course, the irony is noted (read the entry if your irony radar is a little weak), but it is definitely an appreciated point. Christians LOVE adapting non-Christian ideas for "kingdom purposes". In fact, we even try to justify it using the Bible ("all things to all men = your pastor should be a Christian Dane Cook and we should have So You Think You Can Dance Baptist-style").

However, I am really glad for the last few years that Christians have been using technology very creatively and constructively. Christians have used blogs, twitter, websites, and podcasts for uniquely Christian purposes, which though sometimes unhelpful, is a positive thing in general. I say this cause it gets a bad rap a lot, but I think it has been a means of sanctification for the Church of God.

Point is, Christians should really really stop trying to mimic the world and start using the common grace of creativity in their lives.

c. also...

In my opinion, good ideas for stuff ____ like would also be "Stuff C4C people like" and "Stuff Arminians like", but I'm no gonna write them cause... well, the "judge-not" people would judge me.

*If you took this to be a criticism of C4C, you should simply blame that on my inability to properly express my point. Criticism is not my intention.
** Do people even refer to it as C4C? Why am I doing that?


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