The Pursuit of MANHOOD

"Be happy, young man, while you are young,and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you to judgment."--Ecclesiastes 11:9 - This blog is dedicated to Adam's fervent journey into becoming a man. Or just a blog about his life and thoughts in general.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

update 2

i got a job pretty quickly after getting back, and it's definitely a (mixed) blessing from God. here's the real truth - i make 20 grand/year doing faxes all day 9:30-6:30.

so, apparently, lots of people applied for the job prior to me, all also having university degrees, but they turned down the job when they saw what the work actually was. i was not that picky. job hunting is real crappy, so i jumped out at the first chance. my coworkers are not university-educated guys. they worked at hotels, video stores, and restaurants before landing this job, and they feel very happy to having a 9-5 fulltime with benefits.

meanwhile in my small slice of reality, everyone gives me the same reaction when i tell them about my employment situation:

University Graduate with Nice Job/University student who plans on having a nice job: Adam, so what are you doing now?
Adam: Working full-time, I work at a law firm.
UGwNJ/USwPoHaNJ: Hey, that's awesome!
Adam: Nahh, I just do copies and faxes all day.
UGwNJ/USwPoHaNJ: Ohhh...... that's cool..... you gotta start somewhere right? You interested in law?
Adam: Nah, not really.
UGwNJ/USwPoHaNJ: (pause) Let's talk about my middle-class suburban topics of interest.

So, its actually nice to meet people from different walks of life. I'm learning how to relate to people who aren't just UGwNJ/USwPoHaNJ's, which I thank God for.


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